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NanoTree is a JavaScript tree, published under the LGPL License, which is developed to work in (at least) Internet Explorer and Mozilla
If other browsers will be added later, this will only be a plus.
The code is flexible, and it's easy to add to- and alter it. Also the code was made so it's easy to auto-generate with serversidescripts like PHP/JSP/ASP.

Most things in the script can be used with events, without altering the original code.
(eg. You can tell the editor which function(s) should be called when someone expands a node, renames a node, etc.)

If you choose to use NanoTree, The original author would be veryhappy to hear about it (Send an E-Mail to: martin@nano.dk)

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Word explanation

NanoTree: Doesn't really mean anything. It's a combination of the words nano and tree.
Node: A node is simply an item in the tree.
Event: Whenever something happens, eg. a mouseclick on a Node

I hope the tree will be of use, it's been fun to develop, and I hope it evolves.

Martin Mouritzen

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